August 19, 2010

Teaching-plan in Finnish

Here you can see what will come up next:

1. Numbers (Part I) and time
2. Days, months, year times (today)
3. Vocabulary I (tomorrow) Lection 3-6
4. Vocabulary II (Saturday) Lection 7-9
5. Vocabulary III (Sunday) Lection 10-12
6. Vocabulary VI (23.8.) Lection (2nd book) 2-4
7. Vocabulary VII (24.8.) Lection 5-7
8. Vocabulary VIII (25.8.) Lection 8-9
9. Vocabulary VVI (26.8.) Lection 10-12
10. Personal pronoms (27.8.)
11. Verbs & Forms I (28.8.)
12. Verbs & Forms II (29.8.)
13. Verbs & Forms III (30.8.)
14. Standard phrases I (31.8.)
15. Adjectives I (1.9.)
16. Adjectives II (2.9.)
17. 1st ending (3.9.)
18. Questionwords & endings (4.9.)
19. Verbs & Forms VI (5.9.)
20. Plural & Possesivsuffixe (6.9.)
21. Partitiv (7.9.)
22. Numbers as objects (8.9.)
23. Weather (9.9.)
24. Vocabulary VVII (10.9.)
25. Vocabulary VVIII (11.9.)
26. Vocabulary VVV (12.9.)
27. Verbs & Forms VI (13.9.)
28. Verbs & Forms VII (14.9.)
29. Adjectives III (15.9.)

Don´t worry, it sounds now very much, but we´ll make it! :-)
The main "online Finnish course" will go until the end of September, so more stuff will come up then. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh okay... Oo
    I hope we'll do it! :)

    Thank you so much for studying Finnish with me :)
