I was quite happy today but sometimes happiness turns into total sadness from one to the other moment. :/ And sometimes you get to know things from a person which you have never expect from this person...really sad or bad things, where you have never thought that this person would ever do or did that.
Hmm...but you can´t do anything against this thoughts. They come and go, whenever they want and you can´t control them. You have to live with them then... ;)
Sometimes you also have to make an important decision for or against a person/thing...
and no one else can do that for you :/
Unfortunately, because so it would be easier maybe. ;)

But there are also a lot of positive things in life...like friendships ;) Friends are usually always there and will always stay.
Yep, sometimes...but also there are some exceptions, as always. :/ There are friends from which you think, they would be your best friends and after some time you learn, that they aren´t "best friends" or even "normal" friends. Then you become really sad but some day you will get to know other persons, which are
always there for you if you need them and which understand you in every way, or at least try to understand you, your problems and sorrows. And
they are your best friends then. ;) And luckily I have found these friends ;) It took time of course and some tears, but I have found them. =)
But hey, after this depressive and melancholic thoughts I need some good and happy music ;) And which song would be better for this than Jenni´s "En haluu kuolla tänä yönä"? :D