engineer - insinööri
also - myös
this - tämä
man - mies
police - poliisi
name - nimi
living-place - asuinpaikka
job - ammatti
languages - kielet
car-mechanist - automekaanikko
very - hyvin
very less (not much) - hyvin vähän
usually - tavallisesti
unfortunately - valitettavasti
at home - kotona
outside - ulkona
there - tuolla
here - täällä
woman - nainen, naisen, naista*
very, right - oikein
nice - mukava
old - vanha
young - nuori
of course - tietysti
nice, cool - kiva
only - vain
girl - tyttö, tytön, tyttöä*
boy - poikka, pojan, poikaa
often - usein
away - poissa
at work - työssä
always - aina
secretary - sihteeri
lamp - lamppu
quite - aika
building - rakennus
bank - pankki
big - iso
small - pieni
so - niin
hospital - sairaala
bar - baari
theatre - teatteri
modern - nykyaikainen
moment - hetkinen
markethall - kauppahalli
country - maa
city - kaupunki
old (not modern) - vanhanaikainen
ugly - ruma
cheap - halpa
expensive - kallis
house - talo
post - posti
healthycentrum - terveyskeskus
there, at this place - siinä
interesting - mielenkiintoinen
library - kirjasto
bookstore - kirjakauppa
trainstation - rautatieasema
pencil - kynä
flower - kukka
boat - vene
boring - ikävä
bad - huono
not interesting/boring - tylsä
some - tuo
big - suuri
street - katu
address - osoite
telephone number - puhelinnumero
then - sitten
in front of - edessä
under - alla
dog - koira
with/at - luona
hotel - hotelli
bag - kassi
banane - banaani
all - kaikki
with - mukaan
parking place - parkkipaikka
still - vielä
tomorrow - huomenna
*Please learn all forms.
Don´t be afraid, it looks quite much but there are many easy words so it´s not too much to learn. Tomorrow I will post new words. We have to learn as much words as possible on one day, because otherwise we can´t start with learning really Finnish...
Good luck!
August 20, 2010
August 19, 2010
Days, months, year times
Monday - Maanantai
Tuesday - Tiistai
Wednesday - Keskiviikko
Thursday - Torstai
Friday - Perjantai
Saturday - Lauantai
Sunday - Sunnuntai
January - Tammikuu
February - Helmikuu
March - Maaliskuu
April - Huhtikuu
May - Toukokuu
June - Kesäkuu
July - Heinäkuu
August - Elokuu
September - Syyskuu
October - Lokakuu
November - Marraskuu
December - Joulukuu
Spring - Kevät
Summer - Kesä
Autumn - Syksy
Winter - Talvi
Tuesday - Tiistai
Wednesday - Keskiviikko
Thursday - Torstai
Friday - Perjantai
Saturday - Lauantai
Sunday - Sunnuntai
January - Tammikuu
February - Helmikuu
March - Maaliskuu
April - Huhtikuu
May - Toukokuu
June - Kesäkuu
July - Heinäkuu
August - Elokuu
September - Syyskuu
October - Lokakuu
November - Marraskuu
December - Joulukuu
Spring - Kevät
Summer - Kesä
Autumn - Syksy
Winter - Talvi
Teaching-plan in Finnish
Here you can see what will come up next:
1. Numbers (Part I) and time
2. Days, months, year times (today)
3. Vocabulary I (tomorrow) Lection 3-6
4. Vocabulary II (Saturday) Lection 7-9
5. Vocabulary III (Sunday) Lection 10-12
6. Vocabulary VI (23.8.) Lection (2nd book) 2-4
7. Vocabulary VII (24.8.) Lection 5-7
8. Vocabulary VIII (25.8.) Lection 8-9
9. Vocabulary VVI (26.8.) Lection 10-12
10. Personal pronoms (27.8.)
11. Verbs & Forms I (28.8.)
12. Verbs & Forms II (29.8.)
13. Verbs & Forms III (30.8.)
14. Standard phrases I (31.8.)
15. Adjectives I (1.9.)
16. Adjectives II (2.9.)
17. 1st ending (3.9.)
18. Questionwords & endings (4.9.)
19. Verbs & Forms VI (5.9.)
20. Plural & Possesivsuffixe (6.9.)
21. Partitiv (7.9.)
22. Numbers as objects (8.9.)
23. Weather (9.9.)
24. Vocabulary VVII (10.9.)
25. Vocabulary VVIII (11.9.)
26. Vocabulary VVV (12.9.)
27. Verbs & Forms VI (13.9.)
28. Verbs & Forms VII (14.9.)
29. Adjectives III (15.9.)
Don´t worry, it sounds now very much, but we´ll make it! :-)
The main "online Finnish course" will go until the end of September, so more stuff will come up then. ;-)
1. Numbers (Part I) and time
2. Days, months, year times (today)
3. Vocabulary I (tomorrow) Lection 3-6
4. Vocabulary II (Saturday) Lection 7-9
5. Vocabulary III (Sunday) Lection 10-12
6. Vocabulary VI (23.8.) Lection (2nd book) 2-4
7. Vocabulary VII (24.8.) Lection 5-7
8. Vocabulary VIII (25.8.) Lection 8-9
9. Vocabulary VVI (26.8.) Lection 10-12
10. Personal pronoms (27.8.)
11. Verbs & Forms I (28.8.)
12. Verbs & Forms II (29.8.)
13. Verbs & Forms III (30.8.)
14. Standard phrases I (31.8.)
15. Adjectives I (1.9.)
16. Adjectives II (2.9.)
17. 1st ending (3.9.)
18. Questionwords & endings (4.9.)
19. Verbs & Forms VI (5.9.)
20. Plural & Possesivsuffixe (6.9.)
21. Partitiv (7.9.)
22. Numbers as objects (8.9.)
23. Weather (9.9.)
24. Vocabulary VVII (10.9.)
25. Vocabulary VVIII (11.9.)
26. Vocabulary VVV (12.9.)
27. Verbs & Forms VI (13.9.)
28. Verbs & Forms VII (14.9.)
29. Adjectives III (15.9.)
Don´t worry, it sounds now very much, but we´ll make it! :-)
The main "online Finnish course" will go until the end of September, so more stuff will come up then. ;-)
So today I write about Kajaani. :-) As I arrived in Kajaani, my guestfamily were waiting for us already and they were all so kind from the beginning on. My guestfather Tuomo wasn´t there, because he had to work in Oulu. But he came 2 days later, if I remember correctly.
I also have to say that the kids, Hanna and Tiitus, were also so kind to me! :-) I mean, I couldn´t speak a word Finnish, or at least not any sentence. :/ But the kids were so sweet and tried (with success) to teach me Finnish and really...they are angels! Both of them. :-)
On the second day in Kajaani we did a bear safari in Kuhmo (200 km northern from Kajaani) and the other days we went to sauna, went swimming, cooked, or went shopping. I don´t want to put personal photos in here, so if you are interested, you can watch them on my facebook page, if you are in my friendslist. The photos will be online there tomorrow or on Saturday.
I also have to say that the kids, Hanna and Tiitus, were also so kind to me! :-) I mean, I couldn´t speak a word Finnish, or at least not any sentence. :/ But the kids were so sweet and tried (with success) to teach me Finnish and really...they are angels! Both of them. :-)
On the second day in Kajaani we did a bear safari in Kuhmo (200 km northern from Kajaani) and the other days we went to sauna, went swimming, cooked, or went shopping. I don´t want to put personal photos in here, so if you are interested, you can watch them on my facebook page, if you are in my friendslist. The photos will be online there tomorrow or on Saturday.
Exercises for Finnish Part I
I. Mitä kello on? - Please ask for the time and then write down the time.
Example: 1. 12.10
1. Mitä kello on? - Kello on kymmenen minuuttia yli kaksitoista.
2. 13.30
3. 14.15
4. 16.10
5. 18.20
6. 20.45
7. 22.00
8. 09.10
9. 09.55
10. 10.25
11. 11.00
12. 11.30
13. 12.55
14. 16.40
II. Please write a dialog with the following things included.
-Person A says ´Hello´ and ask how you are.
-Person B (you) answers and ask back.
-Person A ask you, which time it is.
-You tell the time. (15.10)
-Person A says ´Thank you´ and you say ´No matter.´ and say goodbye and see you soon.
-Person A answers.
Please send the solutions to me via e-mail and I will correct them and send them back to you.
Please don´t be disappointed that I haven´t ask every word or sentence you had to learn until today, but it´s too less that we could write real dialogs. But you will need them in the next days, so please stay tuned and learn. ;-)
Good luck!
Example: 1. 12.10
1. Mitä kello on? - Kello on kymmenen minuuttia yli kaksitoista.
2. 13.30
3. 14.15
4. 16.10
5. 18.20
6. 20.45
7. 22.00
8. 09.10
9. 09.55
10. 10.25
11. 11.00
12. 11.30
13. 12.55
14. 16.40
II. Please write a dialog with the following things included.
-Person A says ´Hello´ and ask how you are.
-Person B (you) answers and ask back.
-Person A ask you, which time it is.
-You tell the time. (15.10)
-Person A says ´Thank you´ and you say ´No matter.´ and say goodbye and see you soon.
-Person A answers.
Please send the solutions to me via e-mail and I will correct them and send them back to you.
Please don´t be disappointed that I haven´t ask every word or sentence you had to learn until today, but it´s too less that we could write real dialogs. But you will need them in the next days, so please stay tuned and learn. ;-)
Good luck!
August 18, 2010
Finnish Part I
Numbers (Part I) and Time
1 - yksi
2 - kaksi
3 - kolme
4 - neljä
5 - viisi
6 - kuusi
7 - seitsemän
8 - kahdeksan
9 - yhdeksän
10 - kymmenen
11 - yksitoista
12 - kaksitoista
13 - kolmetoista
14 - neljätoista
15 - viisitoista
Which time do we have? - Mitä kello on?
It´s three o´clock. - Kello on kolme.
It´s half past two. - Kello on puoli kolme.
It´s 5 minutes past three. - Kello on viisi minuuttia yli kolme.
It´s 15 minutes past three. - Kello on viisitoista minuuttia yli kolme.
It´s 5 minutes before three. - Kello on viisi minuuttia vaille kolme.
It´s 15 mintutes before three. - Kello on viisitoista minuuttia vaille kolme.
At which time do you meet? - Moneltako te tapaatte?
Which time is now? - Mitä kello nyt on?
Some more important words:
already - jo
then - sitten, silloin
where/whereto - minne
hurry - kiire
on time - tasan
in the evening - illalla
in the morning - aamulla
in the day - päivällä
in the night - yöllä
in the week - viikolla
on the weekend - viikonloppuna
some other time - joskus toiste
sometimes, anytime - joskus
Is it okay for you...? - Sopiiko sinulle...?
though/yet - kuitenkin
1 1/2 - puolitoista, puolentoista, puolatoista*
hour - tunti, tunnin, tuntia, tunteja*
late - myöhään
later - myöhemmin
after a long time - pitkästä aikaa
It´s already... - onkin/kello onkin jo...
agree something - sopia asiasta
every morning - joka aamu
every day - joka päivää
At which time? - Mihin aikaan?
between (time) - välillä
between 1 and 2 o´clock - yhden ja kahden välillä
Times the sun is shining, times - Välillä paistaa aurinko, välillä
it´s raining. sataa.
How long? (time) - Kuinka/Miten kauan?
It´s said, that... - Sanotaan, että...
sure - varmasti
very - kovasti
after - jälkeen
just - kohta
still - yhä
again - uudelleen
*Please learn all forms of this word! You will see soon why.
If possible, please learn the words until this evening. The exercices will be online this night and you can do them tomorrow. :-)
1 - yksi
2 - kaksi
3 - kolme
4 - neljä
5 - viisi
6 - kuusi
7 - seitsemän
8 - kahdeksan
9 - yhdeksän
10 - kymmenen
11 - yksitoista
12 - kaksitoista
13 - kolmetoista
14 - neljätoista
15 - viisitoista
Which time do we have? - Mitä kello on?
It´s three o´clock. - Kello on kolme.
It´s half past two. - Kello on puoli kolme.
It´s 5 minutes past three. - Kello on viisi minuuttia yli kolme.
It´s 15 minutes past three. - Kello on viisitoista minuuttia yli kolme.
It´s 5 minutes before three. - Kello on viisi minuuttia vaille kolme.
It´s 15 mintutes before three. - Kello on viisitoista minuuttia vaille kolme.
At which time do you meet? - Moneltako te tapaatte?
Which time is now? - Mitä kello nyt on?
Some more important words:
already - jo
then - sitten, silloin
where/whereto - minne
hurry - kiire
on time - tasan
in the evening - illalla
in the morning - aamulla
in the day - päivällä
in the night - yöllä
in the week - viikolla
on the weekend - viikonloppuna
some other time - joskus toiste
sometimes, anytime - joskus
Is it okay for you...? - Sopiiko sinulle...?
though/yet - kuitenkin
1 1/2 - puolitoista, puolentoista, puolatoista*
hour - tunti, tunnin, tuntia, tunteja*
late - myöhään
later - myöhemmin
after a long time - pitkästä aikaa
It´s already... - onkin/kello onkin jo...
agree something - sopia asiasta
every morning - joka aamu
every day - joka päivää
At which time? - Mihin aikaan?
between (time) - välillä
between 1 and 2 o´clock - yhden ja kahden välillä
Times the sun is shining, times - Välillä paistaa aurinko, välillä
it´s raining. sataa.
How long? (time) - Kuinka/Miten kauan?
It´s said, that... - Sanotaan, että...
sure - varmasti
very - kovasti
after - jälkeen
just - kohta
still - yhä
again - uudelleen
*Please learn all forms of this word! You will see soon why.
If possible, please learn the words until this evening. The exercices will be online this night and you can do them tomorrow. :-)
What about learning Finnish?
I have a question to you... are you interested in learning Finnish?
If yes, I would have an idea. As you know, I will move to Finland in the end of September and I have to learn Finnish everyday, so I could make a blogpost every day with one little step in learning Finnish. With some new words, one theme in grammar and then one or two little exercices, without solutions so that you copy the exercices from my blogpost, put it in Word, Microsoft Word or whatever, make the exercice and save it and send it me via e-mail?
If you want this, please write a comment and I will give you my e-mail.
So I would learn better Finnish and you too. ;-)
If yes, I would have an idea. As you know, I will move to Finland in the end of September and I have to learn Finnish everyday, so I could make a blogpost every day with one little step in learning Finnish. With some new words, one theme in grammar and then one or two little exercices, without solutions so that you copy the exercices from my blogpost, put it in Word, Microsoft Word or whatever, make the exercice and save it and send it me via e-mail?
If you want this, please write a comment and I will give you my e-mail.
So I would learn better Finnish and you too. ;-)
Stockholm & Helsingborg
Good morning!
As I promised, I will write today about our trip to Stockholm and Helsingborg.
We started our trip in my hometown and drived up to northern Germany, Rostock. Then we took the ferry to Gedser, a little town in Denmark and from there we drove about 9 hours to Stockholm in Sweden.
Stockholm is such a beautiful and big city, so if you once have the chance to visit it, do it! I can recommend it! :-)
It´s a big city, but not in a negative way, if you understand. And it´s also very different from building to building. It has a lot of very very old buildings, which look absolutely fantastic, but there you can find also some really modern buildings and houses.
Then we you drive over from Denmark to Stockholm, you drive over a big bridge and around the bridge and Stockholm there is only the sea and some little islands between. So really really lovely. :-)
Unfortunately we didn´t had the best weather in Stockholm but it was beautiful anyway! We arrived there very late and had a sleep-over in a little hotel and on the next day we went to the Royal Palace and made a boat trip. But then, as you already know, we had problems with our car and had to go straight to the car repair place there.

Stockholm were such a great experience so that I will come back for sure! :-) And hopefully without any problems... ;-)
In the end of our holidays we had to drive again over Stockholm up to Denmark and since we had a lot of time, we made a visit in Helsingborg. It´s maybe minimum 500 kilometres away from Stockholm, in the near of Gothenborg, but we had to drive in this direction anyway. It was sadly a rainy day there but we walked around a bit and drunk coffee and had some nice swedish toasts. ;-)
Here are some photos of Helsingborg:

Tomorrow I will write more about my new living-town Kajaani. :-)
As I promised, I will write today about our trip to Stockholm and Helsingborg.
We started our trip in my hometown and drived up to northern Germany, Rostock. Then we took the ferry to Gedser, a little town in Denmark and from there we drove about 9 hours to Stockholm in Sweden.
Stockholm is such a beautiful and big city, so if you once have the chance to visit it, do it! I can recommend it! :-)
It´s a big city, but not in a negative way, if you understand. And it´s also very different from building to building. It has a lot of very very old buildings, which look absolutely fantastic, but there you can find also some really modern buildings and houses.
Then we you drive over from Denmark to Stockholm, you drive over a big bridge and around the bridge and Stockholm there is only the sea and some little islands between. So really really lovely. :-)
Unfortunately we didn´t had the best weather in Stockholm but it was beautiful anyway! We arrived there very late and had a sleep-over in a little hotel and on the next day we went to the Royal Palace and made a boat trip. But then, as you already know, we had problems with our car and had to go straight to the car repair place there.

Stockholm were such a great experience so that I will come back for sure! :-) And hopefully without any problems... ;-)
In the end of our holidays we had to drive again over Stockholm up to Denmark and since we had a lot of time, we made a visit in Helsingborg. It´s maybe minimum 500 kilometres away from Stockholm, in the near of Gothenborg, but we had to drive in this direction anyway. It was sadly a rainy day there but we walked around a bit and drunk coffee and had some nice swedish toasts. ;-)
Here are some photos of Helsingborg:

Tomorrow I will write more about my new living-town Kajaani. :-)
August 17, 2010
New music... :-)
As you probably know, Tarja Turunen will soon release her new album, called "What Lies Beneath" and I´m so looking forward to it! It sounds very different from song to song and if you want to hear it already you can check out (click on "Album") and you can hear every song 90 seconds long. Enjoy!
I´m interested which song you like most, so please write a comment with your favourite/s and why you like them. ;-)
I´m interested which song you like most, so please write a comment with your favourite/s and why you like them. ;-)
Back from beautiful Finland :-)
I´m back from Finland since this last Sunday but since I was so tired ´cause we arrived in the early morning (almost still night) on Sunday I hadn´t any mood to write here. I´ve slept almost the whole Sunday and had on Monday morning my first driving lesson after holidays, visited a friend of mine and in the evening I´ve gotten bad headache. Today I also had a driving lesson and also a theory lesson in the evening... You see, I have a lot to do.
I think I will write a post for every station we´ve made in holidays. So Stockholm, Kajaani, Rovaniemi, Oulu and Helsinki. Every day I will post one. So stay tuned. ;-)
Unfortunately we had a lot of problems with our car. It started in Stockholm and there we went to a car repair place but they said they can´t find any problem. As we went away from the car station and tried to drive, the car drove normal as nothing would have happened. Then we stopped in the middle of the waiting route which takes you on the ferry to Turku... very embarrassing... :D Some people from the ferry service wanted to help us and take our car on the ferry by themselves, because our motor didn´t start. Hehe...but then as they came, our car started... very funny thing.
And so we had in every station a problem with the car. Luckily everything is repaired now.
The good thing was that I was allowed to drive by myself from Oulu to Helsinki by train. :-) We had planned to drive on Tuesday from Oulu to Helsinki, but my mother and her boyfriend had to wait until the car is full repaired in this car repair place in Oulu and this took time until Thursday. I said I need to go to Helsinki on Tuesday and not later and so I took the train. It took 7 hours, but I must say it wasn´t bad to be so long in the train. You could see the beautiful nature from the trains windows. :-)
I will tell more about every station in the next blogposts but I want to thank my guestfamily and a friend of mine in Kajaani! They were so kind to me! Thank you all! :-)
Also in Helsinki I´ve met a friend, Maarit and her lovely little family! Big thanks and hugs to them!
Tomorrow I will write more about my day in Stockholm and Helsingborg, where our dear Anette lives. :-)
I´m back from Finland since this last Sunday but since I was so tired ´cause we arrived in the early morning (almost still night) on Sunday I hadn´t any mood to write here. I´ve slept almost the whole Sunday and had on Monday morning my first driving lesson after holidays, visited a friend of mine and in the evening I´ve gotten bad headache. Today I also had a driving lesson and also a theory lesson in the evening... You see, I have a lot to do.
I think I will write a post for every station we´ve made in holidays. So Stockholm, Kajaani, Rovaniemi, Oulu and Helsinki. Every day I will post one. So stay tuned. ;-)
Unfortunately we had a lot of problems with our car. It started in Stockholm and there we went to a car repair place but they said they can´t find any problem. As we went away from the car station and tried to drive, the car drove normal as nothing would have happened. Then we stopped in the middle of the waiting route which takes you on the ferry to Turku... very embarrassing... :D Some people from the ferry service wanted to help us and take our car on the ferry by themselves, because our motor didn´t start. Hehe...but then as they came, our car started... very funny thing.
And so we had in every station a problem with the car. Luckily everything is repaired now.
The good thing was that I was allowed to drive by myself from Oulu to Helsinki by train. :-) We had planned to drive on Tuesday from Oulu to Helsinki, but my mother and her boyfriend had to wait until the car is full repaired in this car repair place in Oulu and this took time until Thursday. I said I need to go to Helsinki on Tuesday and not later and so I took the train. It took 7 hours, but I must say it wasn´t bad to be so long in the train. You could see the beautiful nature from the trains windows. :-)
I will tell more about every station in the next blogposts but I want to thank my guestfamily and a friend of mine in Kajaani! They were so kind to me! Thank you all! :-)
Also in Helsinki I´ve met a friend, Maarit and her lovely little family! Big thanks and hugs to them!
Tomorrow I will write more about my day in Stockholm and Helsingborg, where our dear Anette lives. :-)
August 5, 2010
Congratulation to Anette and Johan!
On the 30th of July, Anettes and Johans son was born and I´m a little bit late with my wishes but anyway... I wish you both and of course your families all the best in the world and I´m so happy for you and Johan!
Greetings from Rovaniemi. :-)
Greetings from Rovaniemi. :-)
July 25, 2010
Finally going in holidays!
Sorry that I haven´t written for such a long time here but I had a lot to do...
especially learning Finnish. And beside that, I also wasn´t in the mood to write anything in here.
But tomorrow´s night (11 AM) we will drive to Rostock in North Germany (we think it will take 7 hours driving) and from there we will take the ferry to Gedser, Denmark. This will take 2 hours.
From Gedser we will drive a loooong way to Stockholm and we will arrive there on the 27th of July in the evening.

I think we´ll go and eat something and we will soon go to bed after this long trip. On the 28th of July we will have time almost the whole day in Stockholm and I´m so excited since I have never been in Stockholm before. In the early evening we will leave Stockholm, Sweden and will take the ferry to Turku, Finland. This will unfortunately take 12 hours, so we have a cabine on the ferry and will sleep there a couple of hours.
On the 29th we will arrive in the morning as I know and I don´t know if we stay a few hours in Turku, because we have to drive 621 kilometers to Kajaani and this will take 8/9 hours until we will be there.

We will stay in Kajaani until the 4th of August and I´m happy to meet my guestfamily there in which I´ll start to work as an aupair in October and we will also do a bear-safari where you go into the wood in the night and look for bears and wolves. I´m very very excited and we´ll also have a sleep-over in a little cottage there.
On the 4th of August we´ll drive up to North Finland, to Rovaniemi in Lapland. We´ll stay there until the 8th of August and will visit a fun park, and for sure we´ll go wandering and enjoy the beautiful surrounding. :-)
After Rovaniemi we´ll drive down to Oulu and will stay there for two days because otherwise it would be too stressful to drive the whole way down to Helsinki.
On the 10th of August, we´ll drive down to southern Finland, to Helsinki and I´m really looking forward. It´s been a very long time since my last visit in September, so I´m happy to go shopping in Helsinki, walk around through Helsinki and maybe do a boat trip from the harbour.

I´ll also meet a friend of mine, Maarit. In Helsinki we´ll stay until the 13th of August and then we´ll drive back to Turku and will take the ferry back. On the 15th of August we´ll arrive hopefully healthy at home. :-)
Here is our route:
Unfortunately it´s only our route in Finland, because to show the whole route on a card would be too big, but here we go:

I wish you a good time and my fingers are crossed for Anette and her boyfriend the whole time! Hopefully, their baby will come soon and mother and baby will be healthy and happy. :-) So, good luck Anette! ;-)
especially learning Finnish. And beside that, I also wasn´t in the mood to write anything in here.
But tomorrow´s night (11 AM) we will drive to Rostock in North Germany (we think it will take 7 hours driving) and from there we will take the ferry to Gedser, Denmark. This will take 2 hours.
From Gedser we will drive a loooong way to Stockholm and we will arrive there on the 27th of July in the evening.
I think we´ll go and eat something and we will soon go to bed after this long trip. On the 28th of July we will have time almost the whole day in Stockholm and I´m so excited since I have never been in Stockholm before. In the early evening we will leave Stockholm, Sweden and will take the ferry to Turku, Finland. This will unfortunately take 12 hours, so we have a cabine on the ferry and will sleep there a couple of hours.
On the 29th we will arrive in the morning as I know and I don´t know if we stay a few hours in Turku, because we have to drive 621 kilometers to Kajaani and this will take 8/9 hours until we will be there.
We will stay in Kajaani until the 4th of August and I´m happy to meet my guestfamily there in which I´ll start to work as an aupair in October and we will also do a bear-safari where you go into the wood in the night and look for bears and wolves. I´m very very excited and we´ll also have a sleep-over in a little cottage there.
On the 4th of August we´ll drive up to North Finland, to Rovaniemi in Lapland. We´ll stay there until the 8th of August and will visit a fun park, and for sure we´ll go wandering and enjoy the beautiful surrounding. :-)
After Rovaniemi we´ll drive down to Oulu and will stay there for two days because otherwise it would be too stressful to drive the whole way down to Helsinki.
On the 10th of August, we´ll drive down to southern Finland, to Helsinki and I´m really looking forward. It´s been a very long time since my last visit in September, so I´m happy to go shopping in Helsinki, walk around through Helsinki and maybe do a boat trip from the harbour.
I´ll also meet a friend of mine, Maarit. In Helsinki we´ll stay until the 13th of August and then we´ll drive back to Turku and will take the ferry back. On the 15th of August we´ll arrive hopefully healthy at home. :-)
Here is our route:
Unfortunately it´s only our route in Finland, because to show the whole route on a card would be too big, but here we go:

I wish you a good time and my fingers are crossed for Anette and her boyfriend the whole time! Hopefully, their baby will come soon and mother and baby will be healthy and happy. :-) So, good luck Anette! ;-)
July 19, 2010
I miss you :-(
I miss you
I miss you so much it hurts my soul
I love you so much it hurts my soul
Every feeling about you hurts my soul
I want you back
I have never trusted a person as much as I trust you
I have never loved a person as much as I love you
Why can´t I sleep anymore?
Because if I go to sleep, I could miss you
Why can´t I breath anymore?
Because if I breath,
I take you the air you need to live
Why can´t I stop loving you?
Because I still have hope you will come back some day again
Do you feel I need you more now than ever before?
I´m feeling so alone...
I miss you so much it hurts my soul
I love you so much it hurts my soul
Every feeling about you hurts my soul
I want you back
I have never trusted a person as much as I trust you
I have never loved a person as much as I love you
Why can´t I sleep anymore?
Because if I go to sleep, I could miss you
Why can´t I breath anymore?
Because if I breath,
I take you the air you need to live
Why can´t I stop loving you?
Because I still have hope you will come back some day again
Do you feel I need you more now than ever before?
I´m feeling so alone...
I have written this in 10 minutes or something, and it´s not a poem, or´s just my way of feeling at the moment. I have written this while hearing "Yiruma-River flows in you", one of the favourite songs of the person for who this is...
Why are we apart?
Why don´t you see me anymore?
Why don´t you feel for me anymore?
Why don´t you love me anymore?
You feel for someone who doesn´t feel for you
Why do you love her?
Why is this world so cruel?
Why can´t I live without you?
Why can´t I stop loving you?
Why do I have to think about you all day?
Why can´t I forget you?
Why can´t I leave you?
Why can´t you leave me?
Why do you believe her lies?
Did you have forgotten me?
Why did you become so cold?
Why do I feel so lost?
Why do I feel so sad?
Why do I feel only pain?
Why do I feel so empty?
Because you have given me everything.
You gave me love I have never felt before
You gave me music
You saved me all the time
You protected me from this world
You touched my skn
You kissed my lips
You kissed my body
I touched your skin
I kissed your lips
I kissed your body
You said you love me
I said I love you
You said you believe in our future
You said you will never leave me
You said you will never hurt me
You promised to stay with me
I promised to stay with you
I said I believe in our future
I said I will never leave you
I said I will never hurt you
But you hurted me
and hurted you
But you left me
and I´m still here...
We were so lucky
We were so happy
I saved you from death
I washed away all your tears
You washed away all my tears
We have had good and bad times
We have good and bad memories
I´m sorry for everything I have ever said
I want you back
You are my life
Your are my soul
You are my love
I´m your life
I´m your sould
I´m your love said once
I don´t want to believe it´s over now
I don´t want to believe you´re away now
so far from me
I don´t want to believe I have to live without you
I don´t want to believe I have to awake without you
I need you
I need you more than ever before
You were always there
You have always hold my hand
We shared dreams
and wanted to make them real together
But you are so far away now
You are in another world
I don´t know how to go on
But I need to go on
I need to go on without you
but I will never forget you
I will never stop thinking of you
I will never stop feeling for you
I will never stop loving you
And I will never stop believing...
Believing in you
Believing in me
Believing in us
Believing in our future
I will never stop believing
We will be together once again
Why are we apart?
Why don´t you see me anymore?
Why don´t you feel for me anymore?
Why don´t you love me anymore?
You feel for someone who doesn´t feel for you
Why do you love her?
Why is this world so cruel?
Why can´t I live without you?
Why can´t I stop loving you?
Why do I have to think about you all day?
Why can´t I forget you?
Why can´t I leave you?
Why can´t you leave me?
Why do you believe her lies?
Did you have forgotten me?
Why did you become so cold?
Why do I feel so lost?
Why do I feel so sad?
Why do I feel only pain?
Why do I feel so empty?
Because you have given me everything.
You gave me love I have never felt before
You gave me music
You saved me all the time
You protected me from this world
You touched my skn
You kissed my lips
You kissed my body
I touched your skin
I kissed your lips
I kissed your body
You said you love me
I said I love you
You said you believe in our future
You said you will never leave me
You said you will never hurt me
You promised to stay with me
I promised to stay with you
I said I believe in our future
I said I will never leave you
I said I will never hurt you
But you hurted me
and hurted you
But you left me
and I´m still here...
We were so lucky
We were so happy
I saved you from death
I washed away all your tears
You washed away all my tears
We have had good and bad times
We have good and bad memories
I´m sorry for everything I have ever said
I want you back
You are my life
Your are my soul
You are my love
I´m your life
I´m your sould
I´m your love said once
I don´t want to believe it´s over now
I don´t want to believe you´re away now
so far from me
I don´t want to believe I have to live without you
I don´t want to believe I have to awake without you
I need you
I need you more than ever before
You were always there
You have always hold my hand
We shared dreams
and wanted to make them real together
But you are so far away now
You are in another world
I don´t know how to go on
But I need to go on
I need to go on without you
but I will never forget you
I will never stop thinking of you
I will never stop feeling for you
I will never stop loving you
And I will never stop believing...
Believing in you
Believing in me
Believing in us
Believing in our future
I will never stop believing
We will be together once again
July 16, 2010
Update 16th of July
I want to make a little update here since I haven´t the time to write here everyday.
Tomorrow I´m gonna go by train to Cologne to meet Reni and Koko. :-) And I´m sure we´ll have lots of fun all together. ;-)
I will make lots of photos in Cologne and of course, I´ll post some here, too. ;-)
Next week is also our school-leaving party finally and I´m so excited...let´s see who will come, because I really hope some of my friends from other schools and my last class will visit the party.
I´m also very curious about the new Twilight movie... Let´s see when I´ll find the time to go to the cinema and watch this new movie. :-)
Good night!
Tomorrow I´m gonna go by train to Cologne to meet Reni and Koko. :-) And I´m sure we´ll have lots of fun all together. ;-)
I will make lots of photos in Cologne and of course, I´ll post some here, too. ;-)
Next week is also our school-leaving party finally and I´m so excited...let´s see who will come, because I really hope some of my friends from other schools and my last class will visit the party.
I´m also very curious about the new Twilight movie... Let´s see when I´ll find the time to go to the cinema and watch this new movie. :-)
Good night!
July 11, 2010
Happy birthday, Seth! :-)
Today it´s Anette´s son´s birthday and he gets 9 years old. :-)
I wish him a very happy happy birthday and much fun today!
I wish him a very happy happy birthday and much fun today!
July 5, 2010
Stay away from the streets :P
So I just want to warn you all because you should really stay away from the streets on Wednesday´s midday/afternoon. :D Because I will have my first driver lesson (practical)...hehe... Stay home, that would be the best thing on Wednesday, I think. ;-)
July 4, 2010
Czech Republic
As I´ve already written in the last blog, I was in Czech Republic and there I´ve bought so many nice things. Now it´s summer time and I think it´s necessary to wear clothes with colours. :-) I like black, grey and darker colours too but now it´s summer! ;-)
Here are my new colourful things:

So, if you´ve bought some new things in the last time I would be very glad to see these things! :-)
Hyvää yötä! :-)
Here are my new colourful things:

So, if you´ve bought some new things in the last time I would be very glad to see these things! :-)
Hyvää yötä! :-)
School-leaving party
Preparing for Finland I and other stuff :-)
So only 11 weeks to move to Finland and I´m getting more nervous every day... Unfortunately I hadn´t got so much time to prepare already some important things for moving to Finland, but since the final exams are done I have more time and yesterday I started with cleaning. I have to sort out many things I don´t need anymore and of course I also want to leave a clean room. Yesterday I´ve started with my little bathroom and tomorrow I´ll continue cleaning my room.

Beside all the preapring stuff for moving I also have to make my driver-licence before going to Finland and I´ve decided to finish the theory test for the licence before our vacations. That means that I have to go tomorrow, on Tuesday and on Wednesday to the driver school and have to attend theory lessons. Next week it´ll be the same...and then I have to learn a lot to pass the theory test. :P But it´s important for me to finish it before our holidays in Finland (26th July-16th August) because then I´ll have enough time in September to concentrate about the practical test in the driver-licence where I have to take a lot of hours driving.
And it´s a better feeling to have the theory part already behind. ;-)
On this coming Thursday we´ll get our final exams...and I´m so excited. I mean all went really well and also French was much easier than I thought it would be but I hope it was really like understand? It could also be that I´ve only imagined it was soooo very easy but in the end I´ve learned maybe too less and I only thought it was easy...oh my godness...let´s see. ;-)
I´m also very very very afraid of the maths exam result. Maths didn´t go really well. I´ve learned a lot for it, I had every week training lessons for it but I had a kind of "black-out" when it came to this strange thing here:

It calls parabola and I didn´t remember anything anymore when I´ve read the instructions of the exercises. :-/ But let´s hope the best for maths...
Beside all the preapring stuff for moving I also have to make my driver-licence before going to Finland and I´ve decided to finish the theory test for the licence before our vacations. That means that I have to go tomorrow, on Tuesday and on Wednesday to the driver school and have to attend theory lessons. Next week it´ll be the same...and then I have to learn a lot to pass the theory test. :P But it´s important for me to finish it before our holidays in Finland (26th July-16th August) because then I´ll have enough time in September to concentrate about the practical test in the driver-licence where I have to take a lot of hours driving.
And it´s a better feeling to have the theory part already behind. ;-)
On this coming Thursday we´ll get our final exams...and I´m so excited. I mean all went really well and also French was much easier than I thought it would be but I hope it was really like understand? It could also be that I´ve only imagined it was soooo very easy but in the end I´ve learned maybe too less and I only thought it was easy...oh my godness...let´s see. ;-)
I´m also very very very afraid of the maths exam result. Maths didn´t go really well. I´ve learned a lot for it, I had every week training lessons for it but I had a kind of "black-out" when it came to this strange thing here:
It calls parabola and I didn´t remember anything anymore when I´ve read the instructions of the exercises. :-/ But let´s hope the best for maths...
June 25, 2010
Nightwish in Hartwall Areena
So...As you know, I was in Helsinki, Finland on the 19th of September 2009.
Before that I was on the last class trip in Strasbourg, France and so I was very tired when I flew to Helsinki. I flew in the late night on Saturday. I think it was 2 o´clock in the middle of the night when I went to the airport. I had to check in of course and went through the control and then I ate something at the airport and waited for the airplane. Maybe on 5 o´clock I flew to Frankfurt´s airport and there I was in hurry! Our airplane had a delay of "only" 15 minutes but these 15 minutes were more than enough! I had to change the flight so as the airplane arrived in Frankfurt I had to run to the other flight hall! I arrived in hall A and I had to run to hall D in less than 10 minutes! Beside that, Frankfurt´s airport is one of the biggest in Germany and there are long ways to go from one to the other hall. And additionally there were so many people. Of course, it´s an airport and there are many people but since it was a Saturday, many business people flew back home etc and so there were so many people that you had troubles to run straight and take the shortest way.
At 11 o´clock I finally arrived in Helsinki and it was very warm and nice weather! :)
I searched a taxi and drove straight to the Hartwall Areena which is maybe 20 minutes from Helsinki airport away.

I thought I´ll be there too early but there were so many fans! It was almost unbelievable! Fans from all over the world! There were fans from Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, and of course from other scandinavien countries and Germany...but that is just that what I know! I believe there were fans from many many other countries too! ;)

I was a short time outside in front of the hall because I´ve met some friends there and wanted to see the ambience there while they were waiting. :) The fans sang almost the whole time songs as "Amaranth", "Wish I had an angel", "Wishmaster" and they also sang the finnish national anthem. :) Here is a little video of the fans singing "Amaranth":
As you probably know, APOCALYPTICA was the support band of Nightwish this evening. They played so many songs and I can´t remember anyone but I remember that they´ve played "Bittersweet", "Jesus", "I don´t care" and "Betrayer". They also had a very very good guest musician who supported them with his singing in "Jesus" and "I don´t care".
Here some photos of Apocalyptica:

After soundcheck for Nightwish and changing the stage decoration, the "official" concert began. :)
Here is the setlost of NIGHTWISH:
Intro Finlandia with Troy
7 days to the Wolves
Ever Dream
The Siren with Pekka
While your Lips are still red with Pekka
Poet and the Pendulum
Dark Chest of Wonders
The Islander
Walking in the Air with Troy
Last of the Wilds with Troy
Meadows of Heaven
Ghost Love Score
Wish I had an Angel
Outro The heart asks pleasure first
The Intro Finlandia which they´ve played with Troy was absolutely amazing! Everybody had his hands in the air and it was a very emotional feeling with this intro, all the 13.000 people in the arena,...
With 7 days to the wolves they´ve opened the concert and Anette sprang on stage. :)

And there were also many pyro effect! Very hot when you were standing in front of the stage ;)
Usually Nightwish played all concerts before songs like "Dead to the world" or "The Siren",... directly after 7 days to the wolves, but this time they´ve continued with "Ever Dream". We didn´t expected that and so it was much nicer! :) It was a surprise for us to hear this song, because before we didn´t know exactly if they will play Ever dream or not. Anette sang this song so emotional and she has made again a little bit different version of this song, especially in the end.
I´ve only recorded the beginning, here we go:
Here is a photo of Emppu when he played the solo in Ever Dream:

Tuomas enjoyed it too, as you can see ;) :

Without any little break for talking, drinking or whatever, they´ve continued the show with "Wishmaster"!
You can imagine how much Pyro-Markku had to do there :D
Here´s a photo of Anette singing Wishmaster:

After the powerful Wishmaster they´ve played "Romanticide" and also there were a lot of pyro effects! And in the end of the can I call it? In the "headbanging-time" of the song, the whole band have rocked as never before! It was a mixture between aggression and happiness. They banged their heads that you had to be afraid a bit for their healthy and at the same time, all of the band had a big big smile on their faces! :)
Of course the first official single which they´ve made with Anette had to be played! It´s "Amaranth" of course! You can´t imagine how the whole arena rocked! All people who had seats were standing and those, who had a standing place, jumped around, banged their heads,... :) Simply wonderful! And of course Anette did her "HEP, HEP"´s. :)

After Amaranth they had a little break for talking and then they´ve presented a guest musician, called Pekka. He has played the violin (I believe so) and it was just perfect for "The Siren" !
Here is Pekka playing The Siren:

After The Siren, Pekka stayed on the stage and then they´ve played together with him the beautiful song "While your lips are still red"! I´ve always liked this song but with Pekka´s violin there were much more emotions in the song and Marco gave his best with his voice as he always do of course ;) But there it was especially adorable! :)

Of course, they´ve also played "The Poet and the Pendulum"...Anette cried when she sang this song, also Marco was very sad to sing it and the rest of the band too.
I believe, Tuomas enjoyed playing this song, because he could feel free after it, you know... ;)

After this sad song, Nightwish played a classic one which they play on every concert :) (I hope on the next tour as well!)
Of course it was "Nemo"! :)

And as you can see...also Tuomas laughed ;)
The next song was "Sahara" and of course our dear Emppu and Marco did their little jokes there while playing ;)

Here is a very beautiful photo of Anette while singing Sahara and you can see her fantastic make-up really good!

Here a very sweet photo of Anette and Marco while singing:

They continued with the powerful and bombastic "Dark Chest of Wonders"
After that, they begged the audience to put out their mobile phones, or something which gives light and almost all people put it out. It was truly a sea of light, or better to say: an ocean of light!
In this ambience they´ve played "The Islander" and a little surprise: They´ve played "Walking in the Air"!
While playing Walking int the air, it was snowing in the whole arena! A very beautiful effect I have to say!

After this two emotional and more quiet songs, they played an instrumental song of "Dark Passion Play"-album and gave Anette a little break for her and her voice.
It was "Last of the wilds"

After the funny Last of the wilds, where we were already very tired because we´ve jumped all the time in Last of the wilds, Anette and Marco talked...

Anette said "Thank you!" to all fans, supporters, and to the band and she also spoke about the new album and the future of NW and then she said that now they´ll come to a premier...yes, "Meadows of Heaven"! :) Anette sang it so beautiful and it was really a premiere of this song! I´ve only heard it one time as Anette sang this song with an orchestra in Stockholm at "Suomi Safari", but of course it´s more beautiful and emotional when she sings it with Nightwish! :) The best thing was that in the end of Meadows of Heaven, it began to rain in the arena :) This was maybe the most beautiful effect in the whole concert!
Here are some photos which I have taken while it.

Of course, they´ve also played "Ghost Love Score" and these 10 minutes passed by so fast! :( And in the end there came confetti from above. :) I remembered the scene in Ghost Love Score from the End of an Era DVD and it was a very good feeling to be in the middle of this arena, watching Nightwish, being full of confetti and singing along :)

When it came to the last song, you could have seen all the tears and sad faces on the stage and in the faces of the audience.

Anette said in the end: "We wish you a good night, see you in 2011 again and we´ll give you a little angel!" :)

As an outro they used "The Heart asks Pleasure First" which they have recorded together with the Dark Passion Play album. The music is from Michael Nyman ("The Piano") and the lyrics from Tuomas of course. :)
Unfortunately Michael Nyman didn´t give Nightwish the permission to release this song...after the Hartwall Areena gig, I´ve written an e-mail to his manager and then I´ve gotten the answer that Michael Nyman thought again about it and now he gave Nightwish the permission to release it. But as I´ve written in the last blog, Tuomas doesn´t want to make extra money with it, so they´ll maybe release it with the next album. :) Hopefully...
Unfortunately I had to fly back to Germany on Sunday. :( That time I had to change the flight in Munich and I had to wait 4 hours for my flight! And this can be so bad if you are so tired as I was...
I arrived in Germany at maybe 1 o´clock in the midday. I departed in Helsinki in the morning and here is a photo which I have taken in the airplane.

So I hope you enjoyed this very long blog and you´ve gotten the chance to imagine how beautiful this concert was! And I´m sure no one who have been there will ever forget this day/evening/night! :)
If you want to watch some more videos of the concert or want to have some good quality audios of the concert, you can check this out:
Ghost Love Score:
Meadows of Heaven:
Ever dream::
While your lips are still red:
On this channel you can find lots of good audios of the show:
Before that I was on the last class trip in Strasbourg, France and so I was very tired when I flew to Helsinki. I flew in the late night on Saturday. I think it was 2 o´clock in the middle of the night when I went to the airport. I had to check in of course and went through the control and then I ate something at the airport and waited for the airplane. Maybe on 5 o´clock I flew to Frankfurt´s airport and there I was in hurry! Our airplane had a delay of "only" 15 minutes but these 15 minutes were more than enough! I had to change the flight so as the airplane arrived in Frankfurt I had to run to the other flight hall! I arrived in hall A and I had to run to hall D in less than 10 minutes! Beside that, Frankfurt´s airport is one of the biggest in Germany and there are long ways to go from one to the other hall. And additionally there were so many people. Of course, it´s an airport and there are many people but since it was a Saturday, many business people flew back home etc and so there were so many people that you had troubles to run straight and take the shortest way.
At 11 o´clock I finally arrived in Helsinki and it was very warm and nice weather! :)
I searched a taxi and drove straight to the Hartwall Areena which is maybe 20 minutes from Helsinki airport away.
I thought I´ll be there too early but there were so many fans! It was almost unbelievable! Fans from all over the world! There were fans from Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, and of course from other scandinavien countries and Germany...but that is just that what I know! I believe there were fans from many many other countries too! ;)
I was a short time outside in front of the hall because I´ve met some friends there and wanted to see the ambience there while they were waiting. :) The fans sang almost the whole time songs as "Amaranth", "Wish I had an angel", "Wishmaster" and they also sang the finnish national anthem. :) Here is a little video of the fans singing "Amaranth":
As you probably know, APOCALYPTICA was the support band of Nightwish this evening. They played so many songs and I can´t remember anyone but I remember that they´ve played "Bittersweet", "Jesus", "I don´t care" and "Betrayer". They also had a very very good guest musician who supported them with his singing in "Jesus" and "I don´t care".
Here some photos of Apocalyptica:
After soundcheck for Nightwish and changing the stage decoration, the "official" concert began. :)
Here is the setlost of NIGHTWISH:
Intro Finlandia with Troy
7 days to the Wolves
Ever Dream
The Siren with Pekka
While your Lips are still red with Pekka
Poet and the Pendulum
Dark Chest of Wonders
The Islander
Walking in the Air with Troy
Last of the Wilds with Troy
Meadows of Heaven
Ghost Love Score
Wish I had an Angel
Outro The heart asks pleasure first
The Intro Finlandia which they´ve played with Troy was absolutely amazing! Everybody had his hands in the air and it was a very emotional feeling with this intro, all the 13.000 people in the arena,...
With 7 days to the wolves they´ve opened the concert and Anette sprang on stage. :)
And there were also many pyro effect! Very hot when you were standing in front of the stage ;)
Usually Nightwish played all concerts before songs like "Dead to the world" or "The Siren",... directly after 7 days to the wolves, but this time they´ve continued with "Ever Dream". We didn´t expected that and so it was much nicer! :) It was a surprise for us to hear this song, because before we didn´t know exactly if they will play Ever dream or not. Anette sang this song so emotional and she has made again a little bit different version of this song, especially in the end.
I´ve only recorded the beginning, here we go:
Here is a photo of Emppu when he played the solo in Ever Dream:
Tuomas enjoyed it too, as you can see ;) :
Without any little break for talking, drinking or whatever, they´ve continued the show with "Wishmaster"!
You can imagine how much Pyro-Markku had to do there :D
Here´s a photo of Anette singing Wishmaster:
After the powerful Wishmaster they´ve played "Romanticide" and also there were a lot of pyro effects! And in the end of the can I call it? In the "headbanging-time" of the song, the whole band have rocked as never before! It was a mixture between aggression and happiness. They banged their heads that you had to be afraid a bit for their healthy and at the same time, all of the band had a big big smile on their faces! :)
Of course the first official single which they´ve made with Anette had to be played! It´s "Amaranth" of course! You can´t imagine how the whole arena rocked! All people who had seats were standing and those, who had a standing place, jumped around, banged their heads,... :) Simply wonderful! And of course Anette did her "HEP, HEP"´s. :)
After Amaranth they had a little break for talking and then they´ve presented a guest musician, called Pekka. He has played the violin (I believe so) and it was just perfect for "The Siren" !
Here is Pekka playing The Siren:
After The Siren, Pekka stayed on the stage and then they´ve played together with him the beautiful song "While your lips are still red"! I´ve always liked this song but with Pekka´s violin there were much more emotions in the song and Marco gave his best with his voice as he always do of course ;) But there it was especially adorable! :)
Of course, they´ve also played "The Poet and the Pendulum"...Anette cried when she sang this song, also Marco was very sad to sing it and the rest of the band too.
I believe, Tuomas enjoyed playing this song, because he could feel free after it, you know... ;)
After this sad song, Nightwish played a classic one which they play on every concert :) (I hope on the next tour as well!)
Of course it was "Nemo"! :)
And as you can see...also Tuomas laughed ;)
The next song was "Sahara" and of course our dear Emppu and Marco did their little jokes there while playing ;)
Here is a very beautiful photo of Anette while singing Sahara and you can see her fantastic make-up really good!
Here a very sweet photo of Anette and Marco while singing:
They continued with the powerful and bombastic "Dark Chest of Wonders"
After that, they begged the audience to put out their mobile phones, or something which gives light and almost all people put it out. It was truly a sea of light, or better to say: an ocean of light!
In this ambience they´ve played "The Islander" and a little surprise: They´ve played "Walking in the Air"!
While playing Walking int the air, it was snowing in the whole arena! A very beautiful effect I have to say!
After this two emotional and more quiet songs, they played an instrumental song of "Dark Passion Play"-album and gave Anette a little break for her and her voice.
It was "Last of the wilds"
After the funny Last of the wilds, where we were already very tired because we´ve jumped all the time in Last of the wilds, Anette and Marco talked...
Anette said "Thank you!" to all fans, supporters, and to the band and she also spoke about the new album and the future of NW and then she said that now they´ll come to a premier...yes, "Meadows of Heaven"! :) Anette sang it so beautiful and it was really a premiere of this song! I´ve only heard it one time as Anette sang this song with an orchestra in Stockholm at "Suomi Safari", but of course it´s more beautiful and emotional when she sings it with Nightwish! :) The best thing was that in the end of Meadows of Heaven, it began to rain in the arena :) This was maybe the most beautiful effect in the whole concert!
Here are some photos which I have taken while it.
Of course, they´ve also played "Ghost Love Score" and these 10 minutes passed by so fast! :( And in the end there came confetti from above. :) I remembered the scene in Ghost Love Score from the End of an Era DVD and it was a very good feeling to be in the middle of this arena, watching Nightwish, being full of confetti and singing along :)
When it came to the last song, you could have seen all the tears and sad faces on the stage and in the faces of the audience.
Anette said in the end: "We wish you a good night, see you in 2011 again and we´ll give you a little angel!" :)
As an outro they used "The Heart asks Pleasure First" which they have recorded together with the Dark Passion Play album. The music is from Michael Nyman ("The Piano") and the lyrics from Tuomas of course. :)
Unfortunately Michael Nyman didn´t give Nightwish the permission to release this song...after the Hartwall Areena gig, I´ve written an e-mail to his manager and then I´ve gotten the answer that Michael Nyman thought again about it and now he gave Nightwish the permission to release it. But as I´ve written in the last blog, Tuomas doesn´t want to make extra money with it, so they´ll maybe release it with the next album. :) Hopefully...
Unfortunately I had to fly back to Germany on Sunday. :( That time I had to change the flight in Munich and I had to wait 4 hours for my flight! And this can be so bad if you are so tired as I was...
I arrived in Germany at maybe 1 o´clock in the midday. I departed in Helsinki in the morning and here is a photo which I have taken in the airplane.
So I hope you enjoyed this very long blog and you´ve gotten the chance to imagine how beautiful this concert was! And I´m sure no one who have been there will ever forget this day/evening/night! :)
If you want to watch some more videos of the concert or want to have some good quality audios of the concert, you can check this out:
Ghost Love Score:
Meadows of Heaven:
Ever dream::
While your lips are still red:
On this channel you can find lots of good audios of the show:
June 24, 2010
Helsinki Hartwall Arena Report?
I´ve just realized that I haven´t written anything about Nightwish´s Concert in Hartwall Arena (19.09.20009) o_O
If someone is interested, I would write a report about the weekend in Helsinki and of course about the concert. (photos, setlist, ambience,...)
Please, tell me if you´re interested. :-)
Hyvää yötä! :-)
If someone is interested, I would write a report about the weekend in Helsinki and of course about the concert. (photos, setlist, ambience,...)
Please, tell me if you´re interested. :-)
Hyvää yötä! :-)
Happy birthday, dear Emppu :-)
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